
Unbekannte Täter sorgen für Unruhe in Landkreis Fulda

In Petersberg, specifically in the Steinrückstraße area of Steinau, unknown individuals stole several meters of gutter from a construction site at a single-family home on Tuesday (14.05) around 2:25 pm. The stolen gutter is valued at approximately 1,000 euros. Authorities are seeking any information related to this incident through the Osthessen Police Headquarters or other police stations.

On a separate occasion, in Fulda, a 23-year-old woman from Rasdorf experienced a case of sexual harassment on Friday afternoon (17.05) around 4:25 pm behind an electronics store on „Am Emaillierwerk“ street. An unidentified male perpetrator inappropriately touched the woman’s chest, leading to a physical altercation. Fortunately, the woman remained unharmed, and the perpetrator fled the scene. Authorities are urging individuals with information to come forward to assist in the investigation.

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In another incident in Fulda, a 25-year-old man confronted an unidentified individual publicly urinating on Friday afternoon (17.05) at around 4:25 pm in the area of Leipziger Straße near Sebastianstraße. The confrontation escalated, resulting in the unknown individual punching the 25-year-old in the face. The assailant fled towards Lehnerz and is described as a male around 30 years old with dark, long hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a yellow T-shirt with the inscription „Rotten,“ and black jogging pants. Authorities are seeking any relevant details to identify the suspect.

Moreover, between Saturday (18.05) and Monday (20.05), multiple car tires belonging to two company buses were punctured by unknown individuals on a gravel parking lot on „Am Bahnhof“ street in Fulda. The vandalism caused an estimated damage of around 250 euros. Anyone with information about this crime is encouraged to contact the Osthessen Police Headquarters or other law enforcement agencies to aid in the investigation.

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