
Bauarbeiten behindern Schulkinder: Eltern fordern Sicherheit an der Grundschule am Naumburger Ring

Die Eltern, whose children attend the Grundschule im Naumburger Ring, are facing concerns as the school starts without a completed schoolyard. The school, built following the concept of Berlin’s learning and team houses, boasts modern design elements and amenities. However, the absence of a playground forces students to spend their breaks amidst construction equipment and barriers, posing safety risks. The completion date for the schoolyard remains uncertain, causing worry among parents and doubts regarding the scheduled deadline of June 2024.

The current situation has left many parents uneasy about their children’s safety at the school. Concerns are raised about the incomplete fencing, which may tempt curious students to explore the construction site. Additionally, logistical challenges arise, such as evacuation procedures during emergencies and maintaining focus during classes amidst construction noise. The lack of outdoor play areas further complicates the situation for the young students with pent-up energy.


Despite reassurances from the school council regarding safety measures like fire access and alternative play areas, parents remain unconvinced of the overall safety arrangements. Issues with the temporary use of nearby facilities, like a playground ill-equipped for school use, and potential hazards on the route to the sports hall, add to parental anxieties. The need for clear signage to alert drivers to the school’s presence along the busy Quedlinburger Straße is emphasized to ensure student safety during the construction period.

The compromised learning environment has led some parents to regret the transition from the temporary containers at Louis-Lewin-Straße to the incomplete school campus. While they acknowledge the constraints of the current facilities and the imminent start of new classes, the wish for a more suitable learning environment for their children remains paramount. Plans to accommodate additional classes and repurpose existing mobile classrooms hint at the ongoing challenges faced by the school in providing a conducive educational setting for its students.

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