
Anwalt von Trump: Rudy Giuliani erhält Anklage bei 80. Geburtstagstreffen

Rudy Giulianis Geburtstagsfeier endet mit unerwarteter Anklagezustellung

Rudy Giuliani, former attorney for ex-President Donald Trump, was served formal notice of his indictment in the election fraud case while leaving a celebration of his 80th birthday. Authorities had been attempting to deliver the document to Giuliani for weeks, with no success until this incident. The birthday party on Friday evening was undisturbed, with officials waiting outside until after the event to serve the notice as Giuliani headed to his car, according to a spokesman for Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes. Giuliani’s spokesperson, Ted Goodman, claimed that the prosecution was attempting to embarrass Giuliani through this method of delivery, as reported by CNN.

In April, several former associates of Trump, including former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, were charged in Arizona for their involvement in attempts to influence the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The defendants are accused of conspiracy and fraud, allegedly working together to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to election winner Joe Biden and to keep the „unindicted co-conspirator“ in office against the will of Arizona voters, a reference believed to be to Trump. Attorney General Mayes emphasized that no one is above the law in a tweet tagging Giuliani, who is the final defendant in the Arizona case to receive notification. Authorities had been trying to reach Giuliani in New York as well, and he is expected in court on Tuesday.


Although Giuliani’s birthday is not until May 28, a member of the Republican Party reportedly organized an early birthday celebration in Palm Beach. This development marks a significant step in the legal proceedings against Giuliani and adds to the ongoing investigation into election fraud allegations surrounding the 2020 presidential race. The timing of the notification, coinciding with his birthday celebration, adds a unique dimension to the unfolding events and signifies the serious nature of the charges being pursued. The legal battle involving Giuliani and other prominent figures connected to the Trump administration continues to attract national attention and scrutiny as the case progresses.

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