Kriminalität und JustizSaarpfalz-Kreis

Beschädigte Wahlplakate in Mandelbachtal, Bexbach und Homburg: Polizei ermittelt – Aktuelle Informationen

Ereignisse im Fokus: Beschädigungen von Wahlplakaten im Mandelbachtal / Bexbach / Homburg

In Mandelbachtal, Bexbach, and Homburg, there have been multiple instances of theft and vandalism of election posters, as reported by the Homburg police. Following the Hexennacht festivities, several reports of stolen or damaged posters from various political parties have been registered in different locations. Specifically, incidents occurred in Habkirchen in Mandelbachtal, near the Blumengarten in Bexbach, and in several streets in Jägersburg. The authorities are seeking any witnesses who may have valuable information regarding these incidents to contact the Homburg police at 06841/1060.

This report from May 18, 2024, highlights the ongoing issues with theft and vandalism of election posters in the region. It is crucial for the community to come together and support law enforcement in identifying those responsible for these crimes. The desecration of political campaign materials undermines the democratic process and must be addressed promptly.


In light of these recent events, it is essential to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. By working together as a community, we can help maintain the integrity of our electoral process and ensure that such acts of vandalism do not go unpunished. The local police are actively investigating these incidents and are counting on the cooperation of residents to bring the perpetrators to justice. Let us stand united against such destructive behavior and protect the democratic principles that form the foundation of our society.

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