
Neue Filiale von Barfußschuh-Anbieter Leguano in Jena eröffnet am Samstag

Unerwarteter Wechsel: Leguano übernimmt ehemaligen Backshop in Thüringen

In Jena, Thüringen, there is a forthcoming change on the horizon. Following the closure of a bakery, it has been confirmed which company will take over the vacant commercial space. „Ostthüringer Zeitung“ (OZ) reported the development.

The firm „Backwerk“ made the decision to pull out of the light city, leaving commercial space available along Teichgraben. While a successor was initially expected to be swiftly secured, the process took longer than anticipated, resulting in the premises standing empty since the beginning of 2023 according to OZ.


Fortunately, a resolution is on the horizon. A successor has been identified, and it is no stranger to Jena. The provider of barefoot shoes, „Leguano,“ is set to establish a presence at Teichgraben. The company already operates a branch in Jena.

As per OZ, the company has opted for an intra-city move. Previously, the unique shoes were sold at Carl-Zeiss-Platz, but now the company aims to reorient itself in the light city. The move is anticipated to enhance customer service and increase reach, as reported by OZ.

The new location is set to open its doors on Saturday, May 18th. For more details on the grand opening, refer to the „Ostthüringer Zeitung.“

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