
Feuerwehr rettet Menschen aus überfluteter Unterführung in Nürnberg

Rettungsaktion in Nürnberg: Dramatische Befreiung aus überfluteter Unterführung

In Nürnberg, during a severe storm, the fire department rescued two individuals who had become stranded in a flooded underpass with their car. The individuals climbed onto the roof of the vehicle for safety. Fortunately, they were unharmed and were rescued by rescue divers on Thursday evening, as reported by the fire department.

The ongoing heavy rain and strong thunderstorms in Nürnberg have kept emergency services busy since early evening. Currently, several road underpasses remain impassable due to flooding. Basements, streets, and underground parking garages have also been inundated. Over the course of three hours, approximately 300 emergency calls were received, with half of them already addressed by the fire department. Additional support from units in Fürth and the district of Nürnberger Land has been enlisted to assist with the operations.


A particularly challenging situation is being managed at the Technical University, where a large underground parking garage spanning two levels up to the ground floor has been flooded. However, the rain is subsiding, indicating a potential improvement in the overall situation, according to the fire department. The collaborative efforts of various rescue teams are crucial in dealing with the aftermath of the storm to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents in the affected areas.

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