
Brandtragödie in Düsseldorf: Drei Tote und lebensgefährlich Verletzte – Polizei schließt Fremdeinwirkung aus

Ursache des tödlichen Feuers in Düsseldorf bleibt unklar

In Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, a tragic fire occurred resulting in the loss of three lives and leaving two individuals with life-threatening injuries. The incident took place during the night in a residential building where a kiosk was engulfed in flames upon the arrival of the fire department in the Flingern district on Thursday. The fire had escalated to the first floor of the building by that time.

The fire brigade conducted rescue operations, saving several individuals who were trapped on balconies within the partially smoke-filled building using turntable ladders. Emergency medical services attended to 16 individuals, including the two critically injured, who were subsequently transported to the hospital. Tragically, three individuals were discovered deceased by the rescue teams. Over 100 firefighters were engaged in the firefighting efforts at the scene.


At present, the police have ruled out external interference as the cause of the fire. A police spokesperson stated that investigations into the cause of the fire are ongoing and emphasized the lack of evidence indicating external involvement in the fire incident. The police have taken charge of the site from the fire department and deployed various specialists such as forensic experts and fire investigators to collect evidence. Identifying the deceased individuals has been highlighted as a priority task by the police spokesperson in the wake of the tragic event.

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