
Kaufland in Thüringen: Kein Umzug geplant – Standort bleibt bestehen

Spannende Enthüllungen und klare Statements - Kaufland in Thüringen sorgt für Aufsehen

In Weimar, the supermarket landscape is undergoing significant changes, with an established grocery store closing its doors for good at the end of March. The future of the location remains uncertain, leading to a flurry of rumors circulating in the area. Among these rumors is speculation about a potential closure of the Kaufland store on Humboldtstrasse, with suggestions that it may relocate to the Süßenborn site.

Responding to these rumors, Kaufland issued a firm statement clarifying its position. The company affirmed its commitment to maintaining its Weimar branch at its current location on Humboldtstrasse, as reported by the „Thüringer Allgemeine.“ Additionally, Kaufland explicitly stated that there are no plans to integrate or relocate the store, putting an end to the speculation surrounding a potential move.

While the fate of the Süßenborn supermarket location remains uncertain, the city is actively seeking a solution for the site. Updates on the situation can be found in the „Thüringer Allgemeine,“ where discussions about alternative uses for the building are also taking place. It is clear that the supermarket landscape in Weimar is in a state of flux, with ongoing developments prompting both speculation and official responses to address the swirling rumors.

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