
Neue Kinderfeuerwehren in Gernlinden und Rottbach: Brandschutzerziehung und Engagement im Fokus

Neue Wege der Brandschutzerziehung: Zwei Kinderfeuerwehren in Maisach gegründet

In Maisach, following the example set by Mammendorf, the fire departments in the localities of Gernlinden and Rottbach are establishing children’s fire brigades in response to the need for new recruits. Currently, Mammendorf is the only location in the district with a children’s fire brigade initiative, but this will soon change with the addition of two new groups in Gernlinden and Rottbach.

The Maisach town council has given its approval for the formation of these new children’s fire brigades, expressing gratitude to the dedicated volunteer group leaders for their commitment. The hope is that some of the current members, aged six to twelve, will continue their involvement with the youth and adult fire brigades in the future.

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Children’s fire brigades have been legally allowed since 2017, enabling minors from the age of six to join fire departments. These young members are introduced to fire safety education in an age-appropriate manner, learning cooperation and problem-solving through games and experiments. They also gain knowledge of basic knots and local geography.

The goal of the children’s fire brigades is to instill values of altruism, perseverance, organization, and responsibility in the participants. In Gernlinden, 24 children have already expressed interest in joining the children’s fire brigade, under the leadership of Cäcilia Wagner. In Rottbach, eight to ten children will be part of the initiative, led by Pauline Kappelmeir.

The establishment of these children’s fire brigades required approval from the town council, prompting some students to attend the recent council meeting as observers. They were informed about a grant of 300 euros per children’s brigade from the Versicherungskammer Bayern, designated for the purchase of T-shirts and safety vests. Mayor Hans Seidl mentioned the necessity for a small budget from the municipality to support the children’s fire brigades in the long term.

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