
Netzausfälle alarmieren Günzburg: Wartungsarbeiten und potenzielle Stromausfälle – alle Infos hier!

Spannende Einblicke: Was Sie über die aktuellen Störungen in Günzburg wissen sollten

In Günzburg, PLZ 89312, maintenance routines have been ongoing on the power grid since Friday morning, which may result in temporary power outages. The LEW Verteilnetz GmbH is currently conducting routine maintenance at a location in Günzburg, Bavaria. While the availability of the German power grid is typically high, occasional interruptions in power supply can occur, often affecting only a few households. Specific information on potential and existing network issues can be found in the overview.

As of May 11, 2024, maintenance work is being carried out in the area of Trimm-Dich-Pfad in Günzburg (PLZ 89312, Landkreis Günzburg) on behalf of LEW Verteilnetz GmbH, starting on May 10, 2024, at 7:35 AM. Due to these ongoing maintenance activities, disruptions may occur, and the completion time is currently uncertain. According to the live report from the network operator, there is a „power outage due to a planned power shutdown“ in progress.


Individuals affected by a power outage are advised to remain calm and check their circuit breakers for triggered fuses before reporting the outage to emergency services. The appropriate point of contact for reporting a power outage is the energy supplier.

A checklist for power outages recommends having essential items on hand such as lighting sources like flashlights, candles, or tealights, backup power sources like batteries, power banks, or a generator, food supplies, blankets, sleeping bags, fuel, medications, wet wipes, trash bags, and a cash reserve.

Germany is recognized for its reliable power supply compared to other European countries, with an average of approximately 18 minutes of power interruptions per year. This data provides a perspective on the varying levels of power disruptions experienced across different countries in Europe.

For further updates or additional information, readers are encouraged to visit the relevant news sources or contact the news outlet directly.

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