Kriminalität und JustizSchleswig-Flensburg

Schwarze Schafe unter uns? – Polizei warnt vor giftiger Schlange in Oeversee.

Geheimnisvolle Eindringlinge: Was verbirgt sich hinter der Warnung der Polizei in Oeversee?

In Oeversee, near Flensburg, a non-native snake has been spotted on a dog exercise area by passersby, with the possibility of it being a highly venomous species. The State Environmental Agency’s initial assessment suggests it could be an African tree snake, as reported by the police on Monday. The police have warned against entering the green area and advised keeping dogs on a leash in that area, given that the tree snake is a poisonous species whose bite can be life-threatening. State agency staff are on-site searching for the animal. Additionally, investigations are ongoing to determine if it might belong to a different genus and how the snake ended up in that location.

African tree snakes are light green and can reach up to two meters in length. While generally shy, these snakes may bite if touched. The authorities are taking precautions to ensure public safety and are working to identify and address the situation promptly. Residents are urged to remain cautious and report any further sightings of the snake. The presence of such a potentially dangerous species in a residential area is concerning, and efforts are underway to mitigate any risks posed by the snake’s presence.


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