
Kaufland in Thüringen: Das eindeutige Statement und die Zukunft des Supermarkts

Kaufland in Thüringen: Neue Gerüchte und klare Ansagen zur Standortsituation

In Weimar, the supermarket landscape is undergoing significant changes as an old familiar face closes its doors for good at the end of March. The future of the location remains uncertain, sparking intense speculation and rumors. Among the latest rumors is the potential closure of a Kaufland store on Humboldtstrasse, with suggestions that it might relocate to the Süßenborn site. To address these rumors, the Chief of the Economic Office, Christian Schwartze, made a definitive statement on Tuesday, March 5th.

Schwartze clarified that Kaufland intends to remain at its current location on Humboldtstrasse in Weimar, as reported by the „Thüringer Allgemeine.“ The company also issued a clear statement to the newspaper, stating, „We do not intend to integrate the location.“ This declaration from Kaufland aims to dispel any uncertainties surrounding the future of the supermarket in Weimar.


Meanwhile, efforts are underway in the city to find a solution for the Süßenborn location following the closure of the „Mein Real“ store. As discussions continue regarding the future use of the building, updates can be found in the „Thüringer Allgemeine.“ The evolving situation highlights the shifting dynamics of the supermarket sector in Thuringia, with local communities and businesses adapting to changes in consumer preferences and market conditions.

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