
Firmenbrand in Berlin-Lichterfelde: Giftige Rauchwolke bedroht Anwohner – Feuerwehr warnt vor Blausäure

Berlin: Gefährlicher Brand in Metalltechnik-Firma - Feuerwehr warnt vor giftigen Rauchgasen und möglicher Blausäurebildung.

In Berlin-Lichterfelde, a metal technology company is engulfed in flames, where hazardous materials are stored according to the fire department. Residents are advised to keep doors and windows closed due to the toxic smoke. The fire has emitted toxic smoke, prompting the fire department to issue an official warning about the hazardous fumes drifting in a northerly direction over the city. Residents in the affected areas are urged to avoid the vicinity, close windows and doors, and switch off air conditioning units to minimize exposure to the harmful smoke.

The blaze broke out in a metal technology company on Am Stichkanal Street, originating in a technical room on the first floor of the multi-story building. The entire building is now engulfed in flames, necessitating external firefighting efforts. Chemicals such as copper cyanide and sulfuric acid are housed within the premises, raising concerns about the potential formation of poisonous hydrogen cyanide. The fire department plans to conduct air quality tests throughout the city to monitor pollutant levels due to the fire in the metal technology company.


Fortunately, no injuries have been reported, with 124 firefighters on-site managing the situation. The company’s employees successfully evacuated to safety, and nearby structures, including a hardware store and a grocery market, have been evacuated as a precautionary measure. The fire department continues its efforts to contain the fire and minimize risks to the surrounding area, emphasizing the importance of maintaining caution and following safety guidelines.

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