
Erfurter Tauben in Gefahr: Wie Anwohner gegen die hochansteckende Krankheit kämpfen

Rätselhafte Epidemie im Rieth: Welche Gefahr bedroht die Tierwelt in Erfurt?

In Erfurt, specifically in the Rieth area, residents made a distressing discovery that raised concerns. Fortunately, they reacted promptly by seeking assistance. It became evident that this was not an isolated incident in the northern part of Erfurt. The situation involved the discovery of a severely ill animal, which deeply affected experienced animal welfare advocate Birte from the „Erfurter Tauben“ association. The animal was found near the Vilnius-Passage. The disease in question is Paramyxovirus (PMV), primarily affecting pigeons. Affected animals experience neurological issues, such as unnatural head tilting, difficulty feeding, and impaired coordination. Birte is currently caring for the sick bird, as PMV does not always result in a death sentence. She feeds the bird by hand, initially with a special blend and then transitioning to seeds once digestion improves.

PMV is highly contagious among pigeons. Birte and her fellow volunteers suspect that several other birds in Rieth may be suffering from the disease. Those who come across affected animals are encouraged to contact the „Erfurter Tauben“ association for assistance. Vaccination against the virus is available, and all pigeons in their care are immunized. However, separating sick animals from healthy ones poses a significant burden for the association. Despite the challenges, the welfare of the animals remains a top priority, and the option of allowing them to perish is not considered an acceptable solution.


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