BerlinKriminalität und JustizPolitik

Stellplätze für Polizei: Proteste gegen Längs-Parken in Moabit

Streit um Parkplätze: Warum die CDU die Straßen-Umgestaltung in Berlin-Mitte kritisiert

In Moabit’s Kruppstraße, a recent decision has limited parking to longitudinal parking only, resulting in a decrease in available spaces. This change affects parking utilized primarily by police officers from the nearby police station. CDU representatives have criticized this decision, with Bezirksverordnete Martin Leuschner expressing concerns about complicating the daily commute for officers, particularly those working shifts and traveling home late at night, sometimes as far as Brandenburg. The removal of these parking spaces has drawn scrutiny, especially as it impacts essential workers such as law enforcement personnel.

Interestingly, the Green Party in the district, known for its strong presence, supports the elimination of these parking spots. The reasoning behind the Green Party’s stance on this matter is detailed further in the most recent Mitte Newsletter. The debate surrounding this issue continues, with various stakeholders expressing differing perspectives. The newsletter also covers additional topics such as the challenges faced by scooter inspectors tasked with maintaining order amidst scooter-related chaos in the district.


Moreover, the newsletter delves into various other significant updates related to Mitte, including the upcoming creation of new bike lanes in 2024, the appointment of a new traffic councilor, and the opening of a renovated playground in Moabit. It also provides insights into the prolonged wait times for death certificates, the establishment of additional daycare spots on Ackerstraße, and unique accommodations for overnight stays on cemeteries within the district. Additionally, the newsletter features details on accessing resources for repairing bicycles, preparations for the open-air swimming season, and critiques from environmentalists regarding the fan mile’s impact on the environment.

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