
Vater und Sohn verletzt: Konflikt um laute Musik in Berliner S-Bahn

Detailreich: Vater und Sohn durch zu laute Musik in Berliner S-Bahn verletzt

In Berlin, a dispute over loud music escalated on an S-Bahn train, resulting in injuries to a father and his son. Four unknown individuals reportedly attacked the 70-year-old man and his 48-year-old son at the Mexikoplatz S-Bahn station in Zehlendorf on Saturday evening, as stated by the Federal Police on Monday. The attackers allegedly punched the two men before fleeing the scene. The group was said to have been playing loud music on the S-Bahn, prompting the two men to request quiet. The Federal Police are investigating the incident for suspected grievous bodily harm and are appealing for witnesses to come forward.

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