
Tischtennisfreude in Röhrsdorf: Linde verloren, Tischtennisplatte gewonnen!

Verlorene Linde, gewonnene Tischtennisplatte: Wie ein Lkw-Unfall ein neues Gemeinschaftsprojekt in Klipphausen schuf.

Klipphausen, specifically the village of Röhrsdorf, recently celebrated the inauguration of a new table tennis table. This addition to the community was made possible by an unexpected event – a truck accident. The villagers gathered for the official unveiling, where Bernhard Sukiennik, a newcomer from the west, expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome he has received since moving to Röhrsdorf three years ago.

The installation of the table tennis table was a result of a unique circumstance involving the loss of a beloved village linden tree. Approximately two and a half years ago, a truck accident resulted in the destruction of the tree. Falk Winkler from the Röhrsdorf fire department, who oversaw the removal of the tree, highlighted that the incident was covered by insurance. Due to the inability to replant a tree in the same location, funds were utilized to plant six new trees in various areas of Röhrsdorf, with the remaining amount allocated for the installation of the table tennis table.

The village now commemorates the linden tree with only the sawed-off tree trunk remaining. Despite the loss, the community has embraced the spirit of renewal, as exemplified by the new additions to the village landscape. The event was a testament to the resilience and unity of the Röhrsdorf community, showcasing their ability to transform a challenging situation into an opportunity for growth and communal enjoyment.

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