
Stromsparaufruf aufgehoben: Hawaiian Electric gibt grünes Licht für normale Nutzung

HECO hebt einmonatigen Aufruf zur Stromsparen auf Hawaii auf

Hawaiian Electric has announced the lifting of its call for power conservation on Hawaii Island, allowing customers to resume their normal electricity usage. This decision comes after the successful completion of maintenance work on the company’s Keahole CT-5 unit, which returned online ahead of schedule. Additionally, repairs have been made to the Puna Steam unit and Kanoelehua CT-1 unit, both of which are now operational.

The call for power conservation was issued on March 25, prompting Hawaii Island residents to reduce their electricity consumption due to the unavailability of several large generators. At the time, Hawaiian Electric warned that rolling outages might be necessary to manage the situation. Despite the inconvenience caused, customers responded to the plea by using less electricity, particularly during peak evening hours.


Kristen Okinaka, a spokesperson for Hawaiian Electric, expressed gratitude for the community’s cooperation during the conservation period. She acknowledged the challenges faced by customers and apologized for any inconvenience caused. Okinaka highlighted the positive impact of customers‘ efforts, noting that their cooperation helped prevent further energy shortages on the island.

With the restoration of key units and the support of customers in conserving power, Hawaiian Electric aims to stabilize the energy supply on Hawaii Island. The company’s successful management of the situation reflects a collaborative effort between the utility provider and the community to ensure the reliability of electricity services in the region.

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