FürthKriminalität und Justiz

Tresoreinbruch in Baumarkt – Polizei bittet um Hinweise

Die mysteriöse Nachtaktion: Das Rätsel um den Einbruch in einen Baumarkt

In Treuchtlingen, burglars broke into a hardware store between Monday evening and Tuesday morning, resulting in a significant theft of a 250 kg safe containing cash. The perpetrators forcibly entered the office spaces of the store located on Elkan-Naumburg-Straße by leveraging a window on the ground floor. The safe, along with its contents, was likely transported through the adjacent premises of the voluntary fire department in Treuchtlingen due to its substantial weight, indicating the involvement of multiple individuals in the crime. The local police investigators conducted on-site evidence collection, while the specialized department of the Ansbach Criminal Police will lead the further investigation.

For anyone who may have witnessed suspicious activities during the specified timeframe or possesses information regarding the suspects, the Ansbach Criminal Police urge them to come forward and provide details by contacting 0911 2112-3333. The police authorities from the Polizeipräsidium Mittelfranken aim to swiftly gather evidence and leads to identify those responsible for the burglary. Additionally, the public is encouraged to report any relevant information that could aid in the ongoing investigation to ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice.


The incident highlights the necessity of vigilance within the community and the importance of collaborative efforts between law enforcement agencies and the public to combat such criminal activities effectively. The Polizeipräsidium Mittelfranken seeks the cooperation of individuals in sharing any relevant details that could assist in solving the case and preventing similar incidents in the future. The authorities remain dedicated to pursuing all leads and conducting a thorough investigation to ensure the safety and security of the residents in Treuchtlingen and the surrounding areas.

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