
Wasser-Chaos im Bahnhof Zella-Mehlis: 10.000 Euro Schäden!

Sachschaden in €10000

Unbekannte Vandalen wreaked havoc at the Bahnhof Zella-Mehlis! In a shocking incident between November 7, 2024, 18:00 and November 8, 2024, 08:00, the miscreants damaged the water supply to a sink in the restroom area, leading to hours of flooding throughout the station building. Water poured down ceilings and walls, crashing into the basement and causing extensive damage estimated at a staggering 10,000 euros.

The local police are on high alert and urgently seeking information on this reckless act! Anyone who has seen anything suspicious is urged to contact the Suhl inspection service at 03681-369225. Don’t let these vandals get away with their destructive spree!

Ort des Geschehens


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