
Massenschlägerei am Albertplatz: 23-Jähriger schwer verletzt!

Blutige Nacht in der Dresdner Neustadt: 20 Personen attackieren am Albertplatz einen 23-jährigen Tunesier, der mit Schnittverletzungen ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wird, während die Polizei nach den flüchtigen Tätern fahndet und wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung ermittelt – was steckt hinter der brutalen Schlägerei?

In Dresden’s vibrant Neustadt, a lively evening took a nasty turn on Saturday, ending in a massive police deployment at Albertplatz. Around 11:15 p.m., things got hairy near the Artesian Well when a 23-year-old Tunisian chap found himself smack dab in the middle of a brawl with a bunch of blokes. It wasn’t just a couple of heated words, mind you—this skirmish escalated quick, involving around 20 folks, reportedly Arab speakers, who ganged up on him and his pals. The cops reckon these guys were probably Syrian. Swords and sticks entered the fray, leaving our young Tunisian with some nasty cuts that needed hospital attention. His mates—a 27-year-old Tunisian lad and his 20-year-old German girlfriend—dodged harm, fortunately.

The cavalry, aka the police, rolled in with a fleet of cars, and paramedics were on the scene, too. But the culprits managed to skedaddle before law enforcement could nab ‚em. Authorities are now knee-deep in investigations on counts of grievous bodily harm, sniffing around for any backstory shenanigans that might have ignited this chaos. Catch the lowdown and more tickly details at www.tag24.de. The whole drama’s got folks scratching their heads and the cops scratching through a mound of unanswered questions.

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