
Mega-Unterkunft für Geflüchtete: Altona bereitet sich auf 650 Ankömmlinge vor!

Aus einem verlassenen Einkaufsmarkt wird Hamburgs größte Flüchtlingsunterkunft: Ab Mitte Oktober sollen in Bahrenfeld bis zu 650 Geflüchtete einziehen – Anwohner werden im Bezirk Altona informiert, während Hamburgs Unterbringungskapazitäten an ihre Grenzen stoßen.

Oh boy, Hamburg’s in the thick of it again! The city’s rolling up its sleeves to tackle the pressing need for refugee accommodations. Over in Bahrenfeld, that empty Selgros market on Tasköprüstraße 10 is getting a major makeover. It’ll soon be bustling with up to 650 people, as the place is set to transform into a mega-refugee shelter. Imagine the hustle and bustle! The folks at the Sozialbehörde are gearing up to spill the beans to locals by mid-October. Full transparency, right? The whole thing’s been cooking for a while now—only back in August they were still hashing out details with the property owner. But hey, it sounds like they’ve finally got the ball rolling.

This place is all about creating a semblance of privacy amidst the chaos. Think nifty compartments separated by partitions. They’re not fooling anyone, though. The tops are open, so it’s more like “privacy light.” Word on the street is that there’ll be sanitärcontainer (that’s fancy speak for portable loos) dotting the perimeter. If you’re curious as a cat and want more info, there’s an open invite to swing by the Max-Brauer-Schule on October 15, starting at 6 PM. It promises to be a lively gathering of government folks and curious souls seeking answers. For the head honchos and a deeper dive into the situation, check out the scoop on It’s all happening, folks!


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