
Ehren für Heldinnen und Helden: Moul Mouj Foundation feiert soziale Vorbilder

Elderen in Kashmir dürfen nicht länger vernachlässigt werden – ergreifende Ehrungen durch die Moul Mouj Foundation am 1. Oktober rufen zur Wahrung ihrer Rechte auf und warnen vor Missbrauch!

In a notable event today, the Moul Mouj Foundation celebrated individuals for their exceptional service to the community in Srinagar. Among the honorees, Mandip Kaur, Masooda Yaseen, and Nazifa Alvi were recognized for their unwavering commitment to societal welfare. Prof. (Dr.) Parvaiz Ahmad Shah, a distinguished neurologist, was also acknowledged for his efforts in advancing geriatric medicine, which he emphasized is still developing in Kashmir. He highlighted the important work of Dr. Zubair Saleem, his former student and a leading figure in elderly care.

The event featured a dedicated session on the late Muhammad Shafi Pandit, led by Khurshid Ahmad Ganai, who praised Pandit’s contributions to senior welfare. Adv. Isbah Qureshi provided insights on senior citizens‘ legal rights in India, focusing on protections against neglect and abuse. Dr. Shakeel-ur-Rehman noted the Foundation’s efforts in academic initiatives, including an international conference on senior health. In a significant collaboration, Mir Tanvir, from Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals, announced a partnership with the Foundation to deliver specialized eye care for seniors, offering various discounts and free treatment options for eligible individuals. For more details on this event, check the report from


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