
Kampf ums Land: Merz warnt vor Rechtsruck – Woidke setzt auf Weltoffenheit!

In Brandenburg endete der Wahlkampf im Schatten der Spannung: Friedrich Merz warnt vor der AfD und plädiert für eine demokratische Mitte, während Ministerpräsident Woidke auf ein Zeichen für Weltoffenheit hofft – alles kurz vor einer entscheidenden Landtagswahl, die die politische Zukunft des Landes am Sonntag prägen könnte!

In Brandenburg, the election campaign officially wrapped up just a day before the state elections. CDU leader Friedrich Merz made a final push in Potsdam, emphasizing key differences between his party and the AfD. „We want to limit the number of refugees and asylum seekers, but not with a xenophobic tone,“ he stated, positioning the CDU as patriotic rather than nationalistic. He urged voters to support a government in the political center, highlighting the AfD’s classification as a right-wing extremist entity by the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Meanwhile, Brandenburg’s Minister President, Dietmar Woidke of the SPD, visited Frankfurt (Oder) to assess preparations for imminent flood risks. He expressed hope for a strong showing from the SPD, aiming to convey a message of openness, freedom, and democracy in the election. A rally titled „Stay Stable – Against the AfD and Rightward Shift“ took place in Potsdam, featuring performances from artists like Madsen and Sportfreunde Stiller. The upcoming election is being closely watched, particularly regarding whether the SPD can maintain its historic leadership—or if the AfD could become the dominant force for the first time; about 2.1 million residents are eligible to vote on Sunday. For more on this, visit

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