Kriminalität und Justiz

Schockierende Diebstahlserie in Limburg: Kirche überfallen, Autos beschädigt!

In Limburg sorgt eine Welle von Verbrechen für Aufregung: Ein Kirchenopferstock wurde gestohlen, ein Auto aufgebrochen und Reifen zerstochen, während Fälscher am Steuer eines BMWs bei einer Kontrolle aufflogen – wer sind die Täter?

In Limburg, a series of thefts and vandalism incidents have raised concerns. Between Thursday and Friday, a thief broke into the evangelical city church and removed an offering box, causing damage estimated at around 300 EUR. Local police are on the lookout for witnesses who can provide information about this incident, urging anyone with details to contact them at 06431 9140 – 0.

On the same day, at the Globus parking lot, a silver Hyundai was involved in a daring theft where the window of a parked Audi A4 was smashed, and a bag was snatched from inside. The suspect, described as a 40-year-old man of Eastern European descent, managed to flee in the vehicle, leaving behind approximately 800 EUR in damage. In the evening, in Brechen-Oberbrechen, two tires of a gray Toyota parked at Emstalhalle were slashed, incurring damages of 150 EUR. Additionally, a traffic control on a BMW revealed that the vehicle was displaying falsified license plates; authorities have confiscated the keys and launched an investigation, as noted in a report by

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