
Entdeckung in Leipzig: Unbekannte Mozart-Serenade nach über 100 Jahren!

In Leipzig wurde ein unbekanntes Frühwerk von Mozart entdeckt, das über ein Jahrhundert im Verborgenen lag – eine faszinierende Serenade, die der musikalische Wunderkind im Alter von nur 10 bis 13 Jahren komponierte, wird am Samstag erstmals in der Oper Leipzig aufgeführt!

In Leipzig, an unknown early work by the legendary composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has been uncovered after lying dormant for over a century in the city’s municipal library. The twelve-minute piece, titled “Serenate ex C,” was found during efforts to create a new edition of the Köchel catalog, which details Mozart’s musical oeuvre, as reported by the city of Leipzig. This composition is believed to have been created when Mozart was between 10 and 13 years old, likely during the mid to late 1760s. Ulrich Leisinger, the research director at the International Mozarteum Foundation, confirmed that although it cannot be proven 100%, there’s solid reasoning to attribute this serenade to the young Mozart, given its stylistic similarities and features.

The new piece, described as an „unknown, appealing work“ of Mozart, was introduced Thursday at the Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg. It kicks off with a lively march, setting the stage for six additional short movements—characteristic of music meant for an outdoor audience. The composition will make its debut performance in Germany on Saturday, September 21, at the Leipzig Opera, marking a significant milestone for classical music enthusiasts eager to experience this long-lost gem from one of history’s greatest composers. For more on this discovery, visit www.bild.de.

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