
Mnangagwa bis zum Tod im Sattel: Zanu PF-Stahlhalter jubelt!

Zanu PF-Stalwart Killer Zivhu sorgt mit seiner kühnen Aussage, dass Präsident Mnangagwa bis zum Tod an der Macht bleibt, für Aufregung, während er an seinem Geburtstag lautstark seine unerschütterliche Loyalität und den Wunsch nach unbegrenzter Amtszeit verkündet – eine alarmierende Bestätigung für die stetige Machtkonzentration in Simbabwe!

In a bold statement, Killer Zivhu, a key figure in Zimbabwe’s ruling Zanu PF party, has declared that President Emmerson Mnangagwa will remain in power „until death.“ This proclamation was made via social media during Mnangagwa’s birthday celebrations, where Zivhu expressed his unwavering support, stating, „Masvingo gives you an open term, not talk of a third term or 2030.“ His comments suggest a desire for Mnangagwa to lead without any limitations regarding term durations, reflecting a significant shift in the party’s stance on leadership tenures.

Zivhu further emphasized the necessity of loyalty, asserting, „lead us until God calls you,“ even going so far as to say that Zanu PF members would support Mnangagwa „even if you are in a wheelchair.“ While these remarks have garnered backing from party loyalists, critics are voicing concerns about potential threats to Zimbabwe’s democratic principles. They argue that such unwavering support risks establishing a dangerous precedent for power consolidation in the country. For more information on this topic, see the report on

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