BrandenburgFrankfurt (Oder)

Hochwassergefahr in Brandenburg: Alarmstufe 1 ab Mittwoch in Ratzdorf!

Hochwasser-Albtraum droht in Brandenburg: Ab Mittwoch wird in den Oder-Regionen Alarmstufe 1 ausgerufen, während sich die Wasserstände rapide nähern und Ratzdorf am Sonntag die alarmierende Höchststufe 4 erreichen könnte – ein Wettlauf gegen die Elementarkräfte zur Landtagswahl!

In Brandenburg, an imminent flood alert is set for several regions along the Oder River, particularly in Ratzdorf, Eisenhüttenstadt, and Frankfurt (Oder), with the first level of alarm likely to be declared around midweek. A spokesperson from the State Office for the Environment (LfU) warned that water levels are rising rapidly, with a peak expected on Sunday, coinciding with the Brandenburg state elections. Local districts are preparing for a critical situation, focusing on flood defenses to prevent damage, while a crisis team will convene in Frankfurt (Oder) on Tuesday.

Flooding has already wreaked havoc in southwestern Poland, alongside severe weather leading to devastating conditions in the Czech Republic and Austria, resulting in multiple fatalities. With predictions showing water levels could exceed the third alarm stage by Friday, residents in affected areas may face significant risks, including the potential for flooded streets and property damage. While the LfU anticipates extreme conditions along the Oder, the situation on the Neiße River is expected to be less severe. Authorities in Potsdam have activated crisis management protocols to determine necessary precautions, with 2.6 million sandbags prepared for deployment, a backup plan that officials hope won’t be needed, as noted by Interior Minister Michael Stübgen. For further details, see

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