
Neue Wandmalereien beleben Kitimat: Kunst für die Gemeinschaft!

Zwei beeindruckende neue Wandbilder wurden in Kitimat enthüllt, um das Stadtbild zu verschönern und die Gemeinschaft zu stärken – ein toller Schritt der Kitimat Public Art Alliance, der lokal ansässigen Künstlern hilft und die Stadt für die Zukunft aufwertet!

In Kitimat, two new vibrant murals have been unveiled, further enriching the community’s collection of public art. This initiative, spearheaded by the Kitimat Public Art Alliance (KPAA), aims to breathe new life into public spaces. The first mural, painted by artist Summer Breeze, decorates the post office with a bright fireweed design, while Casey Braam’s work adorns the Century 21 building, showcasing a warbler on a salmonberry bush. These murals not only elevate the aesthetic of the town but also serve to discourage vandalism, according to Maya Brown, KPAA’s communications coordinator.

The project has received essential funding from the District of Kitimat, which covers artists‘ fees, travel, and materials, allowing for the continuous growth of the initiative. This year marks the first mural for Breeze in Kitimat, while Braam has previously contributed two other pieces. The KPAA plans to introduce new murals every summer, with the hope of fostering community pride and supporting local artists. Brown expressed enthusiasm about the ongoing efforts, stating, “We’re just going to keep going,” ensuring residents can look forward to fresh public art enhancements each year, wie berichtet.


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