
Umweltschutz: Generationen im Dialog über die Bedeutung der Wälder

Multigenerational Climate Project „Shift“ Facilitates Understanding and Collaboration

In a unique initiative to bridge generational divides, the multigenerational climate project „Shift“ brought together 21 middle school students from the Thomas Morus Secondary School and twelve seniors at the Nackte Mühle seminar room. Facilitated by the University of Osnabrück, the project aims to foster dialogue and collaboration between different generations on environmental issues, aiming to combat the common experience of generations being pitted against each other in debates on climate change and resource consumption.

Encouraging Intergenerational Learning and Cooperation

Led by Professor Britta Höllermann, a geographer and environmental researcher at the University of Osnabrück, the „Shift“ project emphasizes the importance of finding common ground and collaborative solutions rather than resorting to mutual blame games. Through joint seminars and hands-on activities planned and executed by education students, participants explore topics such as transportation habits, food choices, conservation practices, and energy consumption.

Experiencing the Impact of Forests on Temperature Regulation

Despite unexpected rain, participants engaged in practical experiments to measure the temperature difference between the forest and its surroundings at the Nackte Mühle location. The project highlighted the role of forests in regulating temperatures and preserving warmth, demonstrating the significance of natural ecosystems in climate control.

Empowering Engagement and Environmental Consciousness across Generations

The „Shift“ project offers a platform for individuals like retiree Andrea Schütte to engage with younger generations and exchange ideas on environmental stewardship. By fostering discussions on consumer behaviors, biodiversity, energy sources, and mobility choices, the initiative encourages participants to reflect on their ecological footprint and explore sustainable practices for safeguarding the planet for future generations.

Rästel der Woche

Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

Lösung anzeigen

Fostering Dialogue on Freedom and Responsibility

Discussions during the project also revolved around the concept of freedom and its interaction with environmental responsibilities. Participants debated how measures like speed limits and car bans could either limit or enhance personal freedoms, prompting critical reflections on individual choices and collective impacts on the environment.

Seeking Further Participants for Future Sessions

As the „Shift“ project continues to promote intergenerational understanding and collaboration, the organizers are actively seeking additional seniors to participate in upcoming sessions on August 20, 21, September 3, and 5 at the Nackte Mühle location. Interested individuals can join the dialogue on environmental issues and contribute to building a sustainable future by contacting britta.hoellermann@uos.de or calling (0541) 969-6429 for more details and registration.

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Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 25

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